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  • Rare Diseases

    Sonia’s Journey: How Clinical Trials Give Hope for Rare Childhood Cancers

    Over 50% of children with childhood cancer receive treatments in clinical trials, making them critical for treatment outcomes. The cough was relentless. Sonia Benjamin sat in her doctor’s office with her mom, hoping for some magic medicine to make the painful hacking stop. She didn’t even think to mention the other ailment that was bothering … Continued
    Rare Diseases

    Why We Advocate: The Importance of Access to Efficient, High-Quality Healthcare

    Anyone living with a rare disease wants access to care — not just substandard healthcare, but healthcare that will keep them alive and healthy. Sadly, this is often not the case for so many patients.  I am Laura Bonnell, the mother of two daughters with cystic fibrosis. For 30 years, I have advocated for my … Continued
    Rare Diseases

    Leveraging the Power of Model Organisms to Diagnose and Develop New Therapies for Rare Diseases

    Studies of human disease-causing genes can often be performed in model organisms like yeast, fruit flies, and mice, leading to breakthroughs in diagnoses and treatment. It is estimated that there are more than 10,000 to 12,000 rare diseases affecting more than 20 million people in the United States and 400 million worldwide. An estimated 80% … Continued