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March-ing Forward: Advancing Care for Multiple Myeloma

March is dedicated to raising awareness for multiple myeloma, a rare but serious malignant disorder affecting millions of Americans each year.

Belinda Avalos, M.D.

President, American Society of Hematology (ASH), Senior Advisor to the President, Atrium Health Levine Cancer

Blood disorders affect millions of Americans, whether it’s through personal experience or by knowing someone in their circle with one. These conditions can be classical disorders (non-malignant), such as clotting conditions, anemia, and sickle cell disease, or malignant disorders, which include leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma.

The American Society of Hematology (ASH) is made up of over 18,000 hematologists from more than 100 countries. Some of us are clinicians, caring directly for patients, while others are researchers, working to develop the next breakthrough therapy. Some focus on malignant disorders and some on non-malignant, but all of us are united by a common mission — conquering blood diseases to improve the lives of individuals around the world. 

March is Multiple Myeloma Awareness Month

March is an especially important month for all of us at ASH, as it is dedicated to raising awareness for multiple myeloma, a rare but serious malignant disorder. Multiple myeloma is a blood cancer that develops in plasma cells in the bone marrow, the soft spongy tissue in bones. Normal plasma cells help fight infections by producing antibodies, or proteins that find and kill germs. In multiple myeloma, plasma cells are transformed and crowd out normal blood-forming cells, leading to decreased production of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Additionally, multiple myeloma can cause severe complications like kidney failure. 

Approximately 35,000 new cases of multiple myeloma were diagnosed in 2024. It is most common in men over the age of 50 who are obese, Black, and/or have been exposed to certain toxins such as radiation, benzene, or asbestos. Although numerous treatment options are available to slow the growth of myeloma cells, the disease still has a comparatively low five-year relative survival compared to other cancers. Symptoms of multiple myeloma include:

  • Anemia (shortage or reduced function of red blood cells)
  • Susceptibility to illness and infection
  • Osteoporosis, bone pain, bone swelling, or fracture
  • Weight loss

It is crucial to continue developing effective therapy options for individuals with this difficult diagnosis. 

New and emerging multiple myeloma research

Accelerating and promoting multiple myeloma research is a priority for ASH. The ASH Research Collaborative, established by ASH in 2018, created the Multiple Myeloma Research Network, which fosters collaborative partnerships to help accelerate progress and research. The Network consists of 12 academic medical centers located in the United States, all submitting real-world data to the Multiple Myeloma Data Hub with the goal of increasing the development of treatments and improving patient care.  

Multiple myeloma research was a highlight of the 2024 ASH Annual Meeting, where researchers from all over the world presented novel and promising therapies. For example, a phase III study presented this year found that one drug cut the risk of disease progression in half for patients at high risk of developing multiple myeloma within two years, while another study found that a plant-based diet rich in fiber could help improve the outlook for individuals with precursor conditions that lead to multiple myeloma.

These studies, along with hundreds of others presented at the annual meeting, show that real, groundbreaking progress is being made in preventing and treating this disorder. At ASH, we are always keenly aware of and inspired by the scientific advancements made each day in multiple myeloma, as well as the incredible strength of patients and families living with this diagnosis. This month, we hope you join us in recognizing the importance of continued research and support for all those affected by this disease. 

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