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Dave Coulier on Life With Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and the Importance of Early Detection

Dave Coulier | Photo by Melissa Coulier

Diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in late 2024, “Full House” star Dave Coulier has become a vocal advocate for others battling cancer, and was recently appointed as ambassador for The V Foundation and Hockey Fights Cancer. Here, he reflects on his cancer journey, emphasizing the importance of laughter, support, and early detection in the recovery process.

Can you share your initial reaction to being diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and how it impacted you emotionally and mentally?

I was home alone when I got the call. A week earlier, I had had a lymph node removed for a biopsy, so I was waiting on results. My wife called me just before the doctor did and said she’d be home in 20 minutes. Then the phone rang — it was my doctor, along with another doctor friend of mine. They said, “We wish we had better news.” That’s when I knew. I thought, “Uh-oh, this isn’t going to be good.” They told me I had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma — specifically, an aggressive B-cell strain — and that I needed to start chemotherapy quickly.

It was a lot to digest. You never think the word “cancer” is going to apply to you. I had about 15 minutes to collect myself before my wife walked through the door. When I told her, it was like I’d punched her in the chest. We just held each other and cried.

Strangely, a calm came over me. I told her, “I think there’s a silver lining. Maybe I can help people — encourage them to get early screenings.” That thought grounded me. If I was going through this, maybe I could make a difference.


What has it been like navigating a cancer diagnosis that’s a bit lesser known, like blood cancer?

After I went public on “The Today Show,” I started hearing from hundreds, maybe thousands of people — through Instagram, X, my website — all saying, “I had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, too, and I’m doing great now.” I realized it was more common than I thought, and importantly, it’s highly treatable, especially if caught early.

The only person I’d ever heard of with NHL was the hockey player Mario Lemieux. So, when I was diagnosed, I thought, “Hey, I finally made it to the NHL!” That gave me a laugh at a time when I really needed it.

What are some of the biggest challenges you’re facing during your treatment journey?

Chemotherapy is like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates — you never know what you’re going to get. Each round brought different side effects: hiccups (who knew that was a thing?), neuropathy, cancer-related fatigue, nausea, and headaches. I remember walking barefoot in the kitchen, feeling like I stepped on glass — but there was nothing there. That’s when neuropathy hit.

One of the hardest parts was that I’d go on walks and feel winded, thinking, “What’s going on?” It turns out that not being as active caused my lungs to weaken. As someone who’s always been super active — playing ice hockey, golf, doing house projects — being slowed down physically was tough, both emotionally and mentally. However, I kept pushing through. Even small things like getting on an exercise bike or going for short walks helped.

Dave and Melissa Coulier | Photo by John Stamos

How has your support system helped you through this?

If love were a drug, it’d be the most powerful one. Friends, family, and even strangers who’d been through the same thing lifted me up. I’m someone who likes doing things on my own, but cancer teaches you to lean on others.

I heard from so many people who just wanted to share their stories and encourage me. That human connection — the love and kindness — was better medicine than anything I was prescribed.

What message would you share with others who are newly diagnosed or undergoing treatment?

It’s important to laugh. Laughter replenishes your soul. It carries you through dark times and fills your emotional well with good memories to draw from. Even in the hardest moments, find reasons to smile.

Why do you think raising awareness about early detection is so important?

Listening to your body can save your life. I had a swollen lymph node in my groin that I chalked up to a cold, but it grew to the size of a golf ball in five days. My wife insisted we see a doctor, and thank God she did. Within a week, I was having surgery to remove it.


Had I waited, it could have spread to my major organs. Early detection gave me a fighting chance. It’s scary how many young people are now being diagnosed with cancers we used to associate with older adults. We’re seeing colon cancer in people in their 20s and 30s, breast cancer in women so young — it’s alarming.

If something feels off, don’t ignore it. Early screenings — mammograms, colonoscopies, prostate exams — can save your life.

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