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Ovarian Cancer Awareness

10 Steps for Decluttering Your Mental Space When Dealing With a Cancer Diagnosis

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The journey through ovarian cancer treatment is often marked by difficult decisions, emotional distress, and worry that the cancer could come back, as there is a high rate of recurrence.

Dr. Meredith R. Mitstifer

Chairman, National Ovarian Cancer Coalition

In a recent study by the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, over 63% of survivors and caregivers polled said that mental health is the number one topic they would like support on.

In times of overwhelming stress, it’s common to turn to distractions like organizing or cleaning to regain a sense of control. However, these activities often overlook a more critical need — decluttering our mental space.

By focusing on mental well-being, we can better manage life’s stressors, especially when faced with significant challenges like a cancer diagnosis. Here’s a checklist to help you clear out mental clutter and make room for peace, joy, and renewal:

  1. Acknowledge your feelings
    Stop avoiding and start reflecting. Recognize the thoughts or emotions clouding your mind. Facing these issues is the first step toward mental clarity.
  2. Write it down
    Journaling can lighten your mental load. Putting fears and worries on paper often brings clarity and relief, helping you manage your emotions more effectively.
  3. Be honest with yourself and others
    Confront how you feel and communicate openly with friends or family. Avoiding issues can lead to more stress, while honesty can clear the air and ease emotional burdens.
  4. Reach out for support
    Isolation can worsen anxiety and depression, yet it’s often where we retreat when struggling. Let others know how you’re feeling and ask for help when needed.
  5. Share the mental load
    Don’t carry your burdens alone. Sharing your struggles with someone you trust or seeking support can make a significant difference and provide much-needed relief.
  6. Incorporate physical activity
    Exercise can improve mental health, yet it’s easy to put off. Start small — whether it’s a short walk, a yoga session, or any physical activity. Even minor actions can lead to substantial emotional gains.
  7. Engage in creative activities
    Pursue projects or hobbies that inspire you. Creativity can provide a healthy outlet for your emotions and foster a sense of accomplishment and joy.
  8. Complete a project
    Finish something you’ve started. Accomplishing a task, no matter how small, can boost your mood, provide satisfaction, and create a sense of achievement.
  9. Prioritize laughter and positive relationships
    Spend time with people who make you laugh. Positive friendships and humor can be incredibly cleansing and uplifting, helping you maintain a brighter outlook.
  10. Be intentional with your mental health
    Make a conscious effort to remove negative thoughts, habits, and influences. Focus on filling your mind with positivity, appreciation, and things that bring you joy.

Lasting benefits

“Head housework,” while challenging, offers lasting benefits for mental well-being. By being intentional in decluttering your mind, you can free up space for things that bring you delight, harmony, and even a little amusement.

Treat this process as an opportunity to redefine your expectations, rediscover yourself, and create room for positivity and growth. With a clearer mind, you may find that the doors you’ve been seeking are finally within reach.

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